The Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP) project contains three semester-long courses for high school students that provide a bridge from high school technical programs to community college programs in technician education. The three courses address standards-driven technology concepts and skills and STEM career choices. The materials are mainly digital, emphasizing web-based learning and hands-on, design-based, physical modeling activities that can be delivered as hybrid courses. Each course can serve as replacement or supplementary curricula for high school Career and Technical Education and engineering and technology programs. The first module in each course is introductory and the content of the remaining modules is determined by the assessment-driven design process of Wiggins and McTighe to emphasize key concepts and builds on previous work at ATE Centers and projects. Guides are prepared for teachers, administrators and parents. The materials include a commercially published hybrid text and web-based cyber-learning instructional system.
Link to a moodle where the detailed content is hosted